

Felixia Yeap is a female Muslim who converted from Buddhism.


In 2011, she was an actress playing in a movie directed by Namewee (Wee Meng Chee).


Can she stay strong on the path of Allah?


Felixia Yeap:

Men have no intention of marrying me because of my past.

Felixia Yeap:

If I’m not properly dressed, I feel uneasy.


Felixia Yeap, who’s converted to Islam, used to be a playboy bunny of a Playboy member in Malaysia.


Recently, she made a comment on her Facebook, in which she said she’s regretful of her past experience of being almost naked.


She deeply acknowledged that such a past raised gossips among people.


No men would take her home to meet their parents, not to mention marrying her.


Having a good time with families in her homeland. Upon returning, in an instance, the comment became a material that can be abused by Chinese media.


Although many Muslims gave her supports and encouragements, non-Muslims only gave her taunting languages.


What kind of country is that?




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